I've learned my lesson, never get excited about Rats. A few days before the gig we broke our record for pre sales in a 24 hour period with eight tickets sold, this lead to wild celebrations in Rats HQ. Was the momentum we'd been creating for seven years finally building to a crescendo? It certainly seemed that way. Eight is well over triple the normal attendance for the night so we just decided to take the rest of the week off from promoting and prepare the show.
On the eve of the show it got to doors and we waited for the stampede. We'd speculated who might these unhinged eight people be who'd bought these tickets for a night which has sold out twice in it's seven years of existence. Was it a day out from a near by mental institution? Had all the fans in the world of Harry Deansway converged for a special evening out? 19:45, 19:50, 20:00 just my sister and her husband my old family friend and her boyfriend and no sign of the eight people who'd bought tickets. We waited impatiently and held the start of the show for fifteen minutes. I was fuming this was supposed to be the biggest night in Rats history who buys eight tickets and doesn't show up. I'd also just had a tooth out and was on heavy anti biotics, the tooth removal was I would say more pleasurable than the gig apart from the moment when an act thought they'd have a go at doing some material about someone with down syndrome which rightly played to open mouths and sighs. It got to the end of the show and the eight audience members had not shown, before the last act made a sheepish confession. On a Friday we discount the tickets to £3, he admitted he had bought the tickets with the idea to sell them on the day for a profit as he thought the show sold out. #classicrats
Please note, these are the heads of the acts preforming not an audience who bought tickets.